Sunday, January 22, 2006

Alito tips the scales

Alright, we can forgive you if you make rash statements in your youth, as everyone does - including me right now. These statements shouldn't effect your future as much since one really has no idea where the future will lead so early. It is a learning process.

One should not be forgiven when you make very bold statements at the age of 30 about the nation's laws if you are applying for a position on the US Supreme Court later on in life. Especially, when the president has made no secret of nominating a lopsided idealogue into the Supreme Court. Supreme Court judges need to remain neutral. An example:

Alito gets into the Supreme Court with his bias views in hand. He then sides with the 4 other members of the court who are more conservative, now that O'Connor will be gone. The only way to make sure the Supreme Court is representative of the public now is to hope one of these 5 judges keels over or retires - resulting in a black wish nobody wishes for. Once this hypothetical judge retires or dies, a judge who has a liberal bias needs to be put in to get to the point where we are right now in consideration of Alito.

The point being, in order to keep a balance, there should always be an opposite. Once those opposites are in check, neutral players need to be introduced rather than people like Alito. With Alito in, we are only setting up the game for more of the same down the line. In addition, until a counterweight is set up for Alito, we will have a misrepresentation on the bench.

Real change is to vote for a neutral character, or show support for one. Besides, do you really want the ideas you believe in to be judged correct by a brute force placement of a sympathetic judge into the mix? Or would you rather have your beliefs affirmed by a truly neutral court?

I find it even worse when the media is more fascinated with Alito's wife crying, than with some of the questioning... particularily Russ Feingold's questioning of Alito's stances on Executive Power which unveiled some key info about Alito. The media

Anyways, I'll keep this short... but I think some politicians need to remember what the public wants. It is shown time after time that the public is much more neutral than politicians both on the Hill and in the White House. We, as a public, need to demand more of that rather than competing extremes that is more unstable.

Some analysts believe Alito is more moderate than people think, and I hope they are correct. I'm not for putting anybody's beliefs into office, but rather, a smart and qualified candidate who has not showed any signs of bias in recent times. I was fine with Roberts, and actually liked him... but Alito is too much.

(My apologies for the late posting of this. It was originally posted elsewhere)

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Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Why I distrust internet blogs

Blog your feelings out and let your little world shine because EVERYONE is watching. The better you write, and the more detailed you write, the more visitors you will get. Unfortunately the last statement is a myth, just like numerous other things online. After all, who’s the last famous writer you have heard about who emerged from a blog?

The fact is, people ARE watching… just not the people you want to be watching. If you don’t believe me, look up your blogging name or the name of your blog with google, and look at how many databases your blog has been mentioned in. Most of these databases are gathered for commercial purposes. The most common reason to be entered into these databases is because you used a link to a news source, or an advertisement in your blog. The other reason is because you said the name of a product. That product name has now been sought out (thanks to google and commercial web searches) by advertisers. You are now a number.

Blogs can be a great thing for a number of reasons. My advice to you however, is avoid putting your life story on a blog as inevitably someone will track it down and use you in more ways than you will ever know. Everyone deserves their 15 or more minutes of fame, but just make sure those 15 or more minutes are not spent on the database of some famous advertising executive. Or worse yet, in the sights of others you might not want to know about your personal life. Don’t think you are ever anonymous on here.

The benefits of blogs though, can be useful also – so don’t cower away in fear. Use them to spread non-personal views like this, or promote political candidates. Just whatever you do, make sure that when you really do sit down and spend the time to type out your thoughts – it will give you that 15 minutes of fame with people you know, respect, and/or care about touching. Things that really matter cannot be clicked off the screen in a matter of seconds.

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